JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part III: Stardust Crusaders Quotes (2024)

Years after an ancient evil was salvaged from the depths of the sea, Jotaro Kujo sits peacefully within a Japanese jail cell. He's committed no crime yet demands he not be released, believing he's been possessed by an evil spirit capable of harming those around him. Concerned for her son, Holly Kujo asks her father, Joseph Joestar, to convince Jotaro to leave the prison. Joseph informs his grandson that the "evil spirit" is in fact something called a "Stand," the physical manifestation of one's fighting spirit which can adopt a variety of deadly forms. After a fiery brawl with Joseph's friend Mohammed Avdol, Jotaro is forced out of his cell and begins learning how to control the power of his Stand.However, when a Stand awakens within Holly and threatens to consume her in 50 days, Jotaro, his grandfather, and their allies must seek out and destroy the immortal vampire responsible for her condition. They must travel halfway across the world to Cairo, Egypt and along the way, do battle with ferocious Stand users set on thwarting them. If Jotaro and his allies fail in their mission, humanity is destined for a grim fate.

Jotaro 'JoJo' Kujo: Look, no one ever said Jotaro Kujo was a nice guy. I beat the crap out of people, more than I have to. Some are even still in the hospital. I've had idiot teachers who like to talk big, so I taught them a lesson, and they never came back to class. If I go to a restaurant and the food's bad, I make it a policy to stiff 'em with the bill. But, even a bastard like me... can spot true evil when he sees it! True evil are those who use the weak for their own gain, and crush them underfoot when they're through! Especially an innocent woman! And that is exactly what you've done, isn't it!? And your Stand gets to hide from the victim, the law, and the consequences! That's why... I will judge you myself!
Joseph 'JoJo' Joestar: Now I think you should be able to see the difference in our fighting experience. Once your opponent starts to boast of victory, he has already lost. This is how Joseph Joestar does things. I guess I just get better with age!
Muhammad Avdol: You tried to out-predict me, a fortune teller... but it's ten years too early for you.
Noriaki Kakyoin: My name is Noriaki Kakyoin! For the vengeance of my friend Avdol and so that the sister of my friend, Polnareff, may be at peace, you will pay with your life!
Jean Pierre Polnareff: I fell into a fate worse than death, becoming a dog with no home. I only felt compelled to be used by you. But now, I feel no fear, I only feel the will to fight!
DIO: Immortality! Eternal life! And STAND POWER! This proves that no one can surpass DIO! Puny Humans! I shall rule you all! Bow before my knowledge and might!
Jotaro 'JoJo' Kujo: Your Stand may be invincible, but you sure as hell aren't! If I destroy you, then your Stand dies too. Do you understand? Listen, I've had it up to here with that co*cky-ass mouth of yours, alright? I just happen to be the type of guy who takes these things to heart!
Jotaro 'JoJo' Kujo: Just shut up already. I have nothing more to say to you. You're way too pathetic... I'm done wasting my breath.
Jotaro 'JoJo' Kujo: Good grief. You truly are the lowest scum in history. You can't pay back what you owe... with money!
Jotaro 'JoJo' Kujo: If this were the Wild West, the hero would say "It's High Noon." Now get off the ground and draw your piece, DIO. You're getting one shot.
Jotaro 'JoJo' Kujo: There's a reason you lost, DIO. One simple reason... You pissed me off.
Muhammad Avdol: ”Muhammad Avdol is alive.” This is bad news. Shouldn’t you hurry and tell DIO and your other Stand user buddies about it?
Noriaki Kakyoin: JoJo's mother, Ms. Holly, is a woman capable of calming the hearts of others. People feel at ease around her. This may sound awkward... but if I were to fall in love, I'd like it to be with someone like her. I would give my all for her. And I would want to always see her warm, happy smile.
Jean Pierre Polnareff: You're really good at crying, J. Geil. Well, you're about to fall down to Hell, sobbing the whole way down. But there's one thing I can't rely on the guardians of Hell to do for me. And that's... To turn you into a pincushion!
Jean Pierre Polnareff: If you want to give me a prize for that, how about you give me your life?
DIO: What a truly magnificent feeling! I feel so good, I could break out into song! One hundred years ago, I obtained immortality. But I didn't feel as absolutely wonderful as I do now! Joestar blood suits me well! This is the greatest high!
DIO: He's... mocking me! But Jotaro,. Leaving a bad taste in your mouth, or living your life without regrets. That reasoning is as compelling as rat sh*t in the bathroom and it will be your demise! I, Dio, have no such thoughts. Within my mind but one simple thought. Just one! To be victorious and rule! That is all. That is all I need to feel satisfaction! How I do it doesn't matter!
Joseph 'JoJo' Joestar: Run away! Get out of here, Jotaro! Don't... even try... to fight... please keep your distance... stay far away from him. He's... invincible.DIO: Come now, don't worry, at least he's joining Kakyoin. Polnareff must be hiding around here somewhere, well, I guess it doesn't matter. You're next, Jotaro. Time to die!Jotaro 'JoJo' Kujo: Damn you.... DIO!DIO: Oh? So you still plan to fight? It would appear pigheadedness runs in the family. How ungrateful can you be? You're blatantly ignoring your grandfather's wishes, even after he gave his life to tell you the power of The World. Surely his pathetic pleas warranted a bit of consideration?Jotaro 'JoJo' Kujo: I have to move closer If I want to beat your sorry ass to a pulp.DIO: Oh really? Okay then, by all means come as close as you like.
DIO: You have to be faster. My stand is more powerful than any other. Even without The World's tremendous power and speed, it would still outclass your pitiful Star Platinum.Jotaro 'JoJo' Kujo: Your stand has a lot in common with my Star Platinum. We're not long range fighters, but we have incredible power and precision.DIO: If I'm being honest, I've always had the desire to see how much stronger The World is compared with Star Platinum. But, it seems pointless to compare them now.Jotaro 'JoJo' Kujo: Wait, are you serious? All you did, was give me a love tap in the leg and you ripped my ¥20,000 pants.DIO: For the life of me, I can't figure out why you Joestars are so stubborn. Fine, I shall accept your cheap provocation. Let our comparison resume. Comparing our punching speed?
Noriaki KakyoineLero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero Lero
DIO: Polnareff, have you ever considered why humans wish to live? Humans live hoping to conquer their anxieties and fear, and attain peace of mind. Seeking fame, controlling others, and acquiring wealth are all done to achieve peace of mind. Marriage and friendship are also pursued as means of attaining peace of mind. When humans say they wish to help others, or that a thing is done for love or's all merely to give themselves peace of mind. To achieve peace of mind is the goal of all mankind. Now, given that, what anxiety could you possibly feel towards serving me? Any other peace of mind would come easily if you do. Doesn't challenging me, even knowing that it may spell your death, bring you anxiety? You are a very capable Stand user. It's a waste to kill you. Why not cut ties with Joestar and the others, and serve me for eternity? I can promise you peace of mind for eternity.
There's a reason you lost, DIO. One simple reason... You pissed me off.
Holly: (running to her son's cell) Jotaro! Jotaro! JOTARO!Jotaro: SHUT THE HELL UP! GET OUT OF MY FACE, STUPID BITCH!Holly: OKAY!
[Jotaro is in prison, refusing to leave his jail cell despite the fact that he's been released.]Jotaro: What.. Mom, is that you? Tch! Go away.. I'll be staying here for a little while.Holly: ...?Jotaro: I am possessed by an 'evil spirit'... I have no idea what 'it' could make me do.
Jotaro: Why are you such an annoying bitch?Holly: Okay~, I dunno~!Joseph: Jotaro! How dare you talk to your mother that way! And Holly, stop smiling at him, you'll only encourage it!Holly: OKAY!
Jotaro: So the loser's evil, huh? In that case...I'll teach you justice! (Star Platinum beating up Kakyoin) With my Stand!
Enya Geil: The emotion of fear. Fear is a natural reaction within all living creatures. Now, why does fear exist? There is the kind of fear stirred by instinct. And then, there is fear from logic. Namely, when one comes across something stronger than them, and there is absolutely no way to fight back. Or when they encounter something unknown. You may either struggle, resist, run away, or accept. But upon meetingupon meeting Lord DIO, a fifth option is introduced...Joy!
Grey Fly: This world is full of Stands that surpass even your wildest imagination! Those loyal to DIO will follow you at every turn! You bastards won't even see Egypt. Your deaths will be swift and painful!
Jotaro: (To Joeseph upon hearing his track record of plane crashes) I'm never flying with you again.
Polnareff: Bravo, sir! Bravo!
Joesph: Eagh! Those tentacles are so gross, I can't even look at 'em!
[Polnareff, having been serious moments ago, taking pictures of two ladies from the plane wanting to see the Joestar Group again.]Avdol: This is nothing like the Polnareff of a moment ago.Kakyoin: It's like his emotions change on a dime.Joseph: More like he's got two brains, and the one downstairs suddenly started calling the shots.Jotaro (adjusts his cap): ...Oh, give me a break.
Jotaro: You're the only one swallowin' saltwater, pops, choke on it... Tell him, Avdol.Avdol: Your folly was trying to out-predict me, a fortune teller, tough break.Polnareff: Well said, Avdol.
Fake Captain: But your power was being drained... You let yourself go limp on purpose didn't you? You concentrated your power in your fingers... That's what you were thinking all along...
Ebony Devil: You idiot! No assassin worth the damn would ever reveal his Stand's identity. It only happens in the face of death for him or his opponent! You guys are so stupid always showing off your Stands everywhere you go! It's your own fault that we know all your weaknesses! If it weren't for that mirror, I would've killed you! You're just a moron who got lucky!
Rubber Soul: Do you understaaaaaaaand?!
Jotaro: But we, us Joestars got this philosophy when it comes to fighting. That' run away!
Hol Horse (to Polnareff): The gun is mightier than the sword!
Kakyoin (elbowing Polnareff in the face after they escaped Hol Horse and the Hanged Man): Considered this proof that we've made up, Polnareff.Polnareff: Agh! Merci... Kakyoin...Kakyoin: Next time they come after us... we'll fight them together!
Polnareff (to Kakoyin): You’ve got to say something more like this before you get revenge. (to J. Geil) My name is Jean-Pierre Polnareff. For the honor of my dear sister's soul and so that my friend Avdol can rest in peace, I shall send you falling into the depths of Hell!
J. Geil: Kukukukuku... You really did waste your youth trying to hunt me down... but it looks like you won't succeed! What a pathetic life you've lived!
Empress: What the hell is this?!Joseph: Hmm? I might as well... what now? I'm sorry, my hearing isn't exactly what it once was. Run that by me one more time, will ya?Empress: It's coal tar! That was your plan all along! It wasn't to suffocate me, you were trying to keep me from moving! But how?! How did you know there was coal tar in there?!Joseph: With my Stand's power, Hermit Purple, told me everything!Empress: You drew a map with Hermit Purple?! That's how you found a tar?! A map out of incense ashes?!Joseph: Yeah! Now I think even a glorified pimple like you should see the difference in our fighting experience. "When your opponent starts boasting, he's already lost." That, shrew, is a line from my wilder days. Like a fine wine, I guess I just get better with age! And now! A Stand will defeat another Stand! Next you'll say, "Please, stop it! I beg you!"Empress: PLEASE, JUST STOP IT! I BEG YOU! AH!Joseph: This will hurt me as much as it hurts you, but children can't depend on their parents forever! Once you've grown up... (Leaps to pull at Empress, ripping the Stand to pieces) You've got to learn to live on your own! Now, then. I wonder where that thing Stand user is hiding.
Jotaro (upon seeing the girl): Good frick'n grief.
ZZ: Wheel of Fortune is gonna grind you into hamburger and splatter you all over these rocks!
ZZ (As Jotaro appeared to have burned to death): I won!!! Your valiant hero finally bit the dust!Jotaro: Is that so? (while emerging from underground, leaving his jacket behind) And who exactly is going to replace me, Jotaro Kujo? Let me guess, you thought it'd be you, you roadhog!
Enya (deciding to go after the Joestar group): I, Enya, will be your final opponent! I will destroy you with my Stand of Justice!
Enya (To Hol Horse): How dare you call yourself his friend! You cretin! You Judas!Enya: Just one little wound is all I need...then "Justice" will do the rest!Enya: Justice always prevails.
Steely Dan (in disguise): BYE-BYE, THANK-YOU NOW!
Enya (final words): He believes in me, so I'll serve him even in death... I won't betray him...Joseph (after Enya is killed by Lovers): OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
Steely Dan: My name is Dan... Steely Dan. My Stand is represented by the card of "The Lovers".
Polnareff: The old bitch's son killed my sister and she gave me Hell, so I should be glad that she's dead... but I'm REALLY having complicated feelings towards her right now!!
Joseph (after Silver Chariot made a harmless microscopic cut in a blood vein): OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! I don't feel so good...
Steely Dan: Please! I'm begging you, forgive me!Jotaro: Ask for forgiveness from Enya, the woman you killed. But as for me, I never had the slightest intention of forgiving you.Steely Dan (attempting to bribe Jotaro): D-DIO paid me in advance. can have it all.Jotaro: Good grief. I know this is blatantly obvious, but you really are a piece of work. What you owe me...can never be paid back with money! (Star Platinum proceeds to beat Steely Dan with extreme prejudice before punching him into a tower, Jotaro tallying the tab) Your receipt. Keep the frigging change.
Joseph: Agh! Son of a...bitch!
[After Arabia Fats was easily defeated]Joseph: You mean...we already beat the Stand User?Kakyoin: You hit the nail on the head.Caption: The Sun—RETIRED.
Baby Stand: LALIHOOOO!!
[While Polnareff is battling the fake versions of his sister and Avdol, the real Avdol appears. Polnareff believes the real Avdol had died.]Polnareff: ARE YOU REALLY MUHAMMAD AVDOL?!Avdol (waggling a finger before striking a pose): Tsk tsk! Yes, you had better believe I am!!
Polnareff: No, stop this charade. You're not the real Sherry. My Sherry is gone, dead! You're nothing but... [kills fake Sherry] A hunk of dirt!!
Polnareff: (After finding Cameo's hiding place) HELL 2 U.
Avdol: Last but not least, my fourth wish is to not grant a single one of your pitiful wishes. My Magician's Red forgives no one, especially not you.
N'Doul: (thought) I can't believe it! He actually threw the dog...
Jotaro: (After seeing N'Doul use his own stand to fatally wound himself.) Why did you-N'Doul: Jotaro... You... You thought you could... You thought you could manipulate me and force me to tell you information regarding the other eight Stand users, didn't you? Ugh! I'm very well aware... that Joseph Joestar's Hermit Purple can view into the minds of others... Ugh! You'll never get inside my head, and I'll never tell you anything that you could use against my master... Ah ha ha ha...!Jotaro: DIO... I don't understand why you're so loyal to him. Are you honestly telling me... that you'd die for him?N'Doul: Jotaro... You're right, you don't understand. Fear of death holds no place in my heart. Hah! Because of the power of my Stand, I've always been able to live a life unencumbered by such inconsequential fears like death. I could always win any fight. I could have and do whatever I wanted... Killing and stealing were absolutely meaningless to me. You should talk to the mutt about it. I'm sure he knows how I feel. DIO was the first person, who was able to look deep within my soul and find something more. He was the one who gave me a desire to live. That glorious force of nature, he was so strong, so wise, so beautiful! He was the one and only person in my life to ever see a purpose for my existence. I waited such a long time, for an opportunity to meet him. I will gladly die for my master's sake. (coughs) But no matter what, I refuse to do anything that would disappoint him... (vomits blood) And after all, evil or not, a scoundrel needs someone to put his faith in... (chuckles) I'll tell you this before I go; You should know what my name is N'Doul, and my Stand hails from Egypt, the birthplace of the Tarot; It's referred to as one of the Nine Gods of Egypt, Geb of the great Ennead. We call it the God of the Earth...Jotaro: Nine Egyptian Gods? What does that mean?N'Doul: Ha ha ha! Sorry, but I'll only tell you about my Stand. It's only fair since you're the one who ended up stopping me, but info on my compatriots goes with me to my grave...
Oingo: Our cards are the God of knowledge Thoth, and the God of creation Khnum! We are the Oingo Boingo brothers!
Anubis: I did it! I win! Master DIO, I've exterminated Jotaro. I, Anubis, have finally put him down. Victory is mine!
Anubis: Just forget it. You're not going to be able to pull out that blade. Give up already. I'm not sure you're tiny brain has realized it, but I've surpassed Star Platinum. And now the final thrust...Jotaro: thrust?Anubis: Yes, precisely! Once I slice open your bowels, Master DIO will rejoice!Jotaro: Please, stop this... Don't drive the blade any further.'ll be murder...Anubis: Nice try, but you won't get any mercy from me! I CAN'T WAIT TO SPILL YOUR GUTS!
Anubis: Hey! Yoohoo! Oh, fishies, look down here! Come on, swim over to me! Hey, wait! Where are you going?! Hey, Mr. Crab! It's a pleasure to meet ya'! Would you mind doing me a favor and taking me ashore? I'll give you something yummy. WAIT, Mr. Crab, you just can't leave me here! I'll be rusted through in a couple of days! Please, help me! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! OOOOH HO HO, I'M SO ALONE!
Avdol: "Disasters in the bathroom" is Polnareff's department!
Joseph: If that's how you're going to be, then it's your loss, young lady.Mariah: What?! Sh-sh*t...!Joseph: Weren't you listening to us earlier? You've been caught between us the whole time! Magnets are attracted to each other, you know! It's too late to do anything about it now! By getting between us is your biggest blunder!Avdol: There's no way she can hear you, Mr. Joestar. She's already lost consciousness. And all the magnetic forces crushed her and it's very likely that she snapped more than a few bones in the process.Joseph: Alright, where do we get that breakfast are we talking about?Avdol: Yes, a wonderful idea. All this running around has made me rather honery.Joseph: Is it really only 9 AM?Mariah: Damn you...piece of sh*t...
Alessi: Attaboy!Kid Jotaro: (decking Alessi) Good grief. Don't underestimate me because I'm a kid.Alessi: What?! You're seriously telling me that Jotaro could kick ass, even as a little kid...?!Alessi: ATTABOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daniel J. D'Arby: Make your move. It's your turn, Joestar!
Daniel J. D'Arby: I thought I laid it out plainly. If you don’t like gambling, then say so.Joseph (exasperated): For the last time, I have NO idea where you're going with this!Daniel J. D'Arby: Oh, all right. What I'm asking is if you and your friends would like to play a little game.
Daniel J. D'Arby: [after Jotaro receives a blue drink] Ah! You're kidding me!? You got a drink, too!? When did you have a chance to- You bastard! How dare you make fun of me! Let's finish this! My hand is unbeata-Jotaro: Hold it. Why're you jumping the gun when I haven't raised the pot yet?
Daniel J. D'Arby: R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-Raise the pot?! No! You don't have anything to raise it with!Jotaro: That’s where you’re wrong. I’ll raise you with my mother’s soul.Daniel J. D'Arby: WHAT?!?!?!Avdol: Are you out of your mind?! Jotaro, why would you bet your mother's soul?!Jotaro: The entire reason I came to Egypt in the first place is to save my mother, so if I wager her soul, she won't mind. But, D'Arby, you'll have to match my mother's soul. I know... If you lose, I want you to tell me the secret of DIO's Stand!Jotaro: Come on! Are you gonna call my bluff or fold?! Decision time! Spit it out already! D’ARBY!!!!!!!!
Daniel J. D'Arby: Call, call, call, call, call, call, call, call, call, call...
Hol Horse: Listen, Boingo, I am proud to say that I'm a gentleman and a proper gentleman at that. 'Cause of that, I got girls all over the world. I might tell a white lie now and again, but I'd never haul off and hit one. I respect all the ladies, the beauties, the plain ones, and even the ugly ones. There's no way your prediction will ever come to pass! Come hell or high water, I swear I will never hit a woman! She could pay me every dime, nickel, and quarter she had. I still wouldn't put my hands on her!Boingo: It's 100% true, yes.
Polnareff: Shut your mouth!Joseph: You mean-Hol Horse: (furious) Damn it, Polnareff! You lowdown, dirty son of a... You were cluing 'em in! You’ve pissed me off for the last time! I've just about had enough of you! Now, die!
Avdol: What's he doing here?!Hol Horse: Why? You idiot, you had to sneeze?
Iggy: W-What the hell was that? Who does this guy think he is, Bruce Lee? Hey, can't you hear!? I said I'll stay away from your boss's mansion! Let's stop this, okay?
Terrence D'Arby: It-It can't be! I accidentally released his soul from the doll!
Jotaro: Your soul admitted defeat and it's game over.
Joseph: Before I forget... what to do with you, you button-mashing jerk?Terrence T. D'Arby: Oh, sh*t! Please, mercy, I beg you! I've already given you back Kakyoin's soul, haven't I? It's like they say, no harm, no foul! We're good... right? Right? Right?Jotaro: You want to know whether I'll forgive you, why don't you just do what you do best and read my mind?Jotaro's soul: No! No! No! No! No!Jotaro: Answer this. Will I hit you with my right fist or decide to deck you with my left? I'd love to know.Terrence D'Arby: Well, since you're asking, you'll use... your right one?Jotaro's soul: No! No! No! No! No!Terrence D'Arby: Then... your left?Jotaro's soul: No! No! No! No! No!Terrence D'Arby: You're... not gonna use both, are you?Jotaro's soul: Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!Terrence D'Arby: Are you going to do the "Ora Ora" thing?!Joseph: *annoyed* YES! YES! YES! OH MY GOD...!Star Platinum: ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!Narrator: Terrence T. D'Arby: Out of Commission!
Vanilla Ice: Yes, it'd be an honor. (sets up a pot for Dio) What is mine is yours!
Avdol: (While facing Vanilla Ice's Stand Cream) My god! What IS that abomination?! Impossible! Neither my flames nor Iggy could sense it! Where did it come from?! POLNAREFF, IGGY, YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!
Vanilla Ice: YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DEFEAT ME!Polnareff: Now go to hell, asshole.
DIO: Time to meet your end, Polnareff!Polnareff: So that's your stand, The World? Bring it!DIO: MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!
Senator Philips: *thought, after DIO ripped his two front teeth and orders him to drive* "W-who the hell are you!? Do you think you're going to get a away with this!? (to himself) No, of course he won't. No one could get away with doing this to me. I graduated high school and college at the top of my class! I was captain of my college wrestling team! Even after I graduated, I was respected and revered! That's how I became a politician! I have a villa on a thousand acres in Hawaii! I married a beautiful model who is 25 years younger than me! I pay 50 times more in taxes than ordinary people! I've defeated every enemy I've faced! I'll eventually become President! I am Senator Philips!
Kakyoin: *monologue* I always thought living in a big city would mean meeting a lot of people. But how many people meet others that they can truly understand, and who truly understand them? I probably won't ever find someone who sees me for who I am. Because I don't have a single friend that can see my Hierophant Green.
DIO: This is the final time I will stop time! THE WORLD!
DIO: [smirks and jumps away into the air] One second... Two seconds... Three seconds.
DIO: Four seconds...
DIO: Five seconds...Jotaro: (The one thing that I know, DIO, is that the next time I see your face, I'm probably going to bust a vein!)DIO: Six seconds...Jotaro: Bring it on, DIO!DIO: Seven seconds...
Star Platinum: ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!DIO: It's too late! Time to die!
DIO: Nine seconds... I did it... It's over... The World has defeated Star Platinum. My Stand is more powerful than his. I am immortal, I am everlasting. Heheheheh... Hahahahaha... STAND POWER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now there is incontrovertible truth that no one on this miserable planet is stronger than me! You loathsome humans... I shall rule over your pathetic species until the end of time! NOW BOW BEFORE MY WISDOM AND POWER! TEN SECONDS! Hehehehehe. Would you look at that... I CAN STOP TIME FOR TEN SECONDS! Alright, now that I defeated Jotaro, I should inspect his lifeless body and drink his blood... That is if there's any blood left to savor...
DIO: This can't be... My body is slowing down... What's happening...? N-No... It's not that I'm slowing down... For some reason, I can't move at all! I don't get it! This is impossible! I'm frozen!Jotaro: Hey, DIO! It's been eleven seconds. I guess that's your stand limit, huh?DIO: What?!Jotaro: I stopped time at nine seconds. It's a good thing I did. You gave me a chance to escape. Good grief, you idiot. Here's the thing! Since you're frozen like that, destroying you will only take a second!DIO: Jo... Jotaro! This is madness! You can stop time, too? Curse you! This whole act was a ruse to waste my nine seconds, wasn't it, you bastard?!Jotaro: How does it feel, DIO? Tell me. How does it feel having your archenemy tower behind you while you stand frozen and helpless? I suppose it's a lot like holding your breath while underwater, or at least someone's ought to get you and your air is running out as you desperately swim for your life. Then, after finally reaching the surface and taking a breath, you get pulled right back in. Sound familiar? But after everything you've done, DIO, you're not gonna get any sympathy from me.Star Platinum: ORA!
Jotaro: Time is about to start moving again. [Time resumes.] Compassion is something you're never gonna get from me. I haven't got any kindness for your sorry, undead ass. Oh, I gotta admit. You look pretty pathetic riving on the ground in agony. As much as I want to, killing you like this would leave a pretty bad taste in my mouth. Wonder how long it'll take for you to heal? Three seconds? Four maybe? The very moment your legs are healed, Star Platinum's headed your way, to demolish you! If this were the Wild West, the hero would say "It's High Noon." Now get off the ground and draw your piece, DIO. You're getting one shot.DIO: (thinking) This insignificant whelp... How dare he mock me! Though I shouldn't be surprised. Of course you would use this opportunity to make such a human declaration! You think like a true mortal, cursed with a fleeting life destined for obscurity. A bad taste in your mouth, you say? What, are you afraid you'll regret killing me? That reasoning is as pathetic as your species, your foolish honor will be your demise! That is where you and I differ. My vision is clear and my mind is focused on a single goal. I want to dominate. Nothing more, nothing less. That is the only thing that will bring me fulfillment! But how I go about doing that... (speaking) DOESN'T MATTER IN THE SLIGHTEST!
DIO: There! How about a little blood on your eyes?! I win! Die!
Jotaro/Star Platinum: ORAAA!
DIO: (as his head is destroyed while his Stand shatters from a clash with Star Platinum) WHAT THE HELL?! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! I AM THE IMMORTAL DIO! I...AM...DIO...!!![DIO's body explodes]Jotaro Kujo: When the sun comes up, you'll be nothing but dust. You only made one mistake. One that got you killed. DIO, this whole thing might've ended differently, went and pissed me off. Was it worth it?
[After reviving Joseph by transfusing his blood back from Dio's corpse.]Jotaro Kujo: Old man?Joseph Joestar: [evil laugh] You're a damn fool, Jotaro!Jotaro Kujo: You have got to be kidding!Joseph Joestar: All you did was resurrect yours truly!Jotaro Kujo: [actives his Stand] Bastard!Joseph Joestar: WAIT! Calm down, Jotaro! It was a joke, I was just kidding! There's no need to get violent! I'm sorry. I was just trying to have some fun. You have my word, it's me![shows off his Stand]Joseph Joestar: I'm Joseph Joestar. I was born September 27 in 1920. My wife's name is Suzi Q and I collect comics as a hobby.Jotaro Kujo: ...I have a question for you. Who's the leading actress in "Tarzan the Ape Man"?Joseph Joestar: Bo Derek!Jotaro Kujo: Okay, now answer this one. Who sang "Eat It", the spoof of "Beat It"?Joseph Joestar: "Weird" Al Yankovic!Jotaro Kujo: Good grief... It has to be you. Who else would know pointless crap like that?
Polnareff: Goodbye, you wrinkled old coot, you live a long life, you hear? And you, his cheapskate grandson; don't you dare forget about me!Joseph Joestar: Let us meet again! That is if you don't already hate me by then, you stupid jackass!Jotaro Kujo: I can't ever forget a clown like you even if I tried, you bastard. Take care.
The High Priestess [2.23 - 2.24]: Polnareff: (After being told they can speak through their Stands instead of sign language while underwater) Aww, man. And I have one hand signal I'm ready to show..." (shows the hand signal)
The High Priestess [2.23 - 2.24]: Kakyoin: "Your underwear is showing."
The High Priestess [2.23 - 2.24]: Polnareff: "YEAH!!"
Polnareff: Everyone, watch out! Hol Horse is back, and he's got a friend hiding under the crate, so be careful!
Narrator: For some reason, DIO disappeared while time was stopped.
Narrator: However, Jotaro has abandoned thought. NO matter what DIO has planned, or what attack he might unleash, in the two seconds that Jotaro can move within stopped time, all he needs to do is drive Star Platinum's fists into him in those two seconds!

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