Kaiser Permanente Vacaville Medical Center - Hospital - Official Ratings (2024)

Cesarean Birth Rate (NTSV) (Data Source: CMQCC 07/01/2022 -- 06/30/2023)

This measure reflects the percentage of cesarean births among mothers whose pregnancies were nulliparous, term, singleton and vertex (NTSV) — which means the delivery of a single baby [versus twins or triplets] in a head-down position after 37 weeks gestational age to women having their first baby. Unless there is a specific medical complication, cesareans should be avoided in this relatively low-risk population.

For the baby, cesareans are associated with a higher risk of respiratory issues that require admission to an intensive care unit. For mothers, cesareans carry an increased risk of complications such as post-surgical infection and hemorrhage. Compared to vagin*l birth, cesareans are also associated with longer recovery times and can impede the mother-infant breastfeeding relationship. Importantly, women with prior cesarean births also have significantly higher risks of complications in their subsequent pregnancies.

Hospitals with an NTSV Cesarean Birth rate higher than 23.6% are performing cesareans above the statewide target. A woman who prefers a vagin*l birth for her first baby should look for a hospital with a low NTSV C-section rate and discuss her delivery options with her maternity care provider.

The NTSV Cesarean Birth rate compares how often each hospital performs cesareans on its patients with relatively “low risk” pregnancies. However, this measure does not adjust for every single medical complication that may lead a physician to recommend a cesarean. As such, hospitals that routinely treat very high-risk patients may have higher cesarean birth rates.

Breastfeeding Rate (CDPH) (Data Source: CDPH 01/01/2020 -- 12/31/2020)

This measure shows the percentage of newborns that were breastfed during their hospital stay. Research indicates that exclusive breastfeeding is beneficial and is generally recommended for women and their babies–as long as they do not have specific complications. Although there are many reasons breastfeeding rates vary, hospital staff can help new mothers begin to breastfeed before they leave the hospital.

Episiotomy Rate (Data Source: CMQCC 07/01/2022 -- 06/30/2023)

An episiotomy is a surgical cut in the vagin*l opening to make more space for the birth of a baby. It was once a routine procedure; however, many recent studies show that this cut does not make the birth easier and actually may lead to more short- and long-term harm in women. Providers and hospitals generally aim to do fewer episiotomies.

This measure reflects the number of episiotomies performed on women delivering vagin*lly at the hospital (but excludes cases of shoulder dystocia—when the baby’s shoulder position can impede delivery). In general, a lower rate is better.

VBAC Routinely Available (Data Source: CMQCC 07/01/2022 -- 06/30/2023)

Some women that had a cesarean in a prior delivery are interested in having theoptionto attempt avagin*lbirth in their current pregnancy. This measure indicates whether a hospital has a policy of allowing “vagin*l Birth after Cesarean” (VBAC). Hospitals showing “yes” do offer VBAC services for eligible women who previously had cesareans.

This information was collected from a survey of hospitals conducted by the Hospital Quality Institute in 2016 and is regularly updated by the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative upon hospital request. However, policies can change, so please contact the hospital directly to learn their current policy on VBACs.

VBAC Rate (Data Source: CMQCC 07/01/2022 -- 06/30/2023)

A vagin*l Birth after Cesarean section (“VBAC”) is when a woman who has had a prior C-section delivers vagin*lly in a subsequent pregnancy (that is, without needing a repeat C-section). There are situations where women who have had a prior C-section may be eligible to deliver future babies vagin*lly—which has fewer post-delivery complications.

This measure represents the percentage of vagin*l births amongallwomen with a prior C-section for each hospital.Note that this measure is based on all women delivering at the hospital who had a prior cesarean, and not just those actively seeking a VBAC or those deemed as good candidates for a VBAC.

Deliveries by Certified Nurse Midwives (Data Source: CMQCC 07/01/2022 -- 06/30/2023)

This statistic represents the percent of births at each hospital that were attended by Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs). CNMs—often called “nurse-midwives”—are advanced practice nurses who are masters or doctorallyeducated and are licensed by the state to manage uncomplicated pregnancy and childbirth.The statistic is based on the provider type (e.g., physician, CNM, nurse) listed as the “Attending Provider” on all California Birth Certificates.

Some women have a personal preference to be attended by a CNM.Reporting each hospital’sCNM Delivery Ratecan help women identify which hospitals have integrated CNMs into their maternity care unit. If you are interested in having your labor and birth attended by a nurse-midwife, contact the maternity unit at your preferred hospital(s) to identify the provider groups with CNMs.

Reporting Period for other Mother & Baby Measures (listed below):

The ratings reflect July 2022–June 2023 hospital discharge and birth certificate data from 207 California hospitals that offer maternity services and participate in the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative’s Maternal Data Center (CMQCC’s MDC). These 207 hospitals submitted data to the CMQCC Maternal Data Center to enable rapid-cycle reporting and quality improvement. One hospital listed in this section did not submit data to the CMQCC Maternal Data Center; their results represent Calendar Year 2021 data available from the California Department of Health Care Access and Information. Nine other hospitals have closed. These hospitalsare listedhere.

For more information, please access the Ratings & Data Sources section of this websitehere.

Kaiser Permanente Vacaville Medical Center - Hospital - Official Ratings (2024)


Where is Kaiser ranked in California? ›

The Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center is 23rd in California for overall care and 40th nationwide for neurology and neurosurgery. The Kaiser Permanente Vallejo Medical Center is 28th nationwide for rehabilitation services and treatment.

Does Kaiser Vacaville have a NICU? ›

The NICU is the newest component of Kaiser Vacaville's Family Birth Center, which opened Nov. 2013 and has been the birthplace of thousands of babies since.

How many patients does Kaiser see? ›

Kaiser Permanente was founded in California in 1945. Today, we provide care and coverage to 12.6 million members, including over 9.4 million Californians. Our award-winning way of providing health care makes sure that doctors, hospitals, and other health services like pharmacies work closely together.

What is unique about Kaiser Permanente? ›

Unlike a traditional insurance company, we are a membership-based, prepaid, direct health care system.

Which hospital is #1 in California? ›

The number 1 hospitals in California are Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital, UCLA Medical Center, UCSF Health-UCSF Medical Center and UC San Diego Health-La Jolla and Hillcrest Hospitals.

Is Loma Linda better than Kaiser? ›

Kaiser Permanente scored higher in 6 areas: Overall Rating, Diversity & Inclusion, Compensation & Benefits, Career Opportunities, Recommend to a friend and Positive Business Outlook.

Why are so many doctors leaving Kaiser? ›

The report, by Mark Roberts, M.D., chief of medicine at Kaiser's Vallejo Medical Center, said many physicians are leaving Kaiser for "less demanding jobs" elsewhere or cutting back on their Kaiser work schedules, resulting in a 13 percent turnover rate over the last two to three years.

What kind of reputation does Kaiser Permanente have? ›

Kaiser Permanente was the only health plan in the state to earn 5 stars for overall quality. We've received 5 stars for overall quality for 5 years in a row. We also earned 5 stars for “Members' Care Experience.”

What is the salary of the CEO of Kaiser Permanente? ›

The estimated average pay for Chief Executive Officer at this company in California is $132,961 per year, which meets the national average.

Why do people like Kaiser so much? ›

With Kaiser, many members like the fact that everything is in one location. They don't have to bounce from doctor to doctor. Tied in with this is the fact that Kaiser is able to coordinate health care among different doctors, labs, etc. To round this out, a person's health history and notes are all centralized.

Why do people choose Kaiser? ›

Kaiser Permanente combines care and coverage — which makes us different than your other health care options. Your doctors, hospitals, and health plan work together to make exceptional health care easy to get.

Who is Kaiser Permanente biggest competitor? ›

Kaiser Permanente competitors and alternatives
  1. UnitedHealth Group. Provider of comprehensive array of products and services ranging from insurance consulting to benifits management. ...
  2. Humana. Provider of health insurance services. ...
  3. Anthem. ...
  4. WellCare Health Plans. ...
  5. Aetna. ...
  6. CareFirst. ...
  7. IBX. ...
  8. Universal American.

How does Kaiser rank? ›

Kaiser Permanente receives 5 out of 5 stars for overall quality of care from the Office of the Patient Advocate and Covered California. The Office of the Patient Advocate also gave our plans 5 out 5 stars for mental health care in its 2023-24 Health Care Quality Report Card.

Why is Kaiser so great? ›

Connected care. Kaiser Permanente combines care and coverage — which makes us different than your other health care options. Your doctors, hospitals, and health plan work together to make exceptional health care easy to get.

Who pays better UCLA or Kaiser? ›

Salaries. Of the top 3 common jobs between the two companies, Kaiser Permanente salaries averaged $23,321 higher than UCLA.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.